I need you to play bigger...

Dec 15, 2021 8:42 pm

...because the world needs to see what you truly have to offer.

Something I am asking myself, my clients, and my mentees, my podcast audience, and now you while we all approach a new year...

is I want all of us to PLAY BIGGER!

What do I mean by that?

I mean what can you do that you will most likely "fail" at? Yet, just by you trying your best to get to the tip of that big mountain, you'll be farther along then you would have been if you played small.

A few examples:

  1. Who can I ask to be on my podcast that will most likely say no. Yet if they say yes, it will be a huge win for myself and the audience.
  2. With the mobile Sauna, what brands can Noah and I reach out to and pitch a collaboration with a high chance of them saying no.
  3. I plan to run a 50 miler at some point in 2022. It will be brutal. Screw a marathon, I want 50 haha.

Now what are some direct examples / metrics you can apply to your own life to 10x? 100x? Potentially 1000x your life?

Respond back with 3 examples of you PLAYING BIGGER in 2022.

Or at least write them down, share them with your loved ones, or post them on your socials to hold yourself accountable!




p.s. I am grateful to have a great support system here in Austin Texas that will work hard, and play big, so we have a chance to go to the moon together. :)
