5 minute furry.

Feb 20, 2023 2:33 pm

I just started a stop clock.

5 minutes.

What comes out?

We shall see.

I am constantly working to find ways to improve my skills and capabilities.

And sometimes all it takes is putting some time on the clock and STARTING!

I remember when I played collegiate sports, how different it felt to practice and warmup, compared to when the game clock started.

It was like another sense in me had been triggered.

The problem?

You don't put yourself in the game enough in life.

You aren't putting yourself against the clock enough.

Instead, you let seconds, minutes, hours drift by as if they don't matter.

And before you know it...

You pick your head up and another day (game) is gone.

Did you win?

Did you lose?

Did you draw?

Only you know.

I don't know about you, but I like to WIN.

And the reality is...

If you want to WIN at life...

You must win 4 out of 7 days a week.

16 out of 30 days a month.

You get where I am going with this math right?

Make sure your fraction of winning is larger than your losing.

And that stems from understanding how to win the day.

One of the best ways to win the day?

Write out the things you MUST get done to win.

Set the clock.

Slam the gas.

And earn that W.

Start with TODAY!





Okay cool, I wrote everything above in 5 minutes.

I had no idea my topic today.

No clue what I was going to write.

I just set the clock and let it rip.

And now I want to encourage you to do the same.

Pick something that MUST get done today, set the clock, and get after it!

Then reflect on how you feel afterwards.

And if you feel called, let me know how the experiment went for you!



p.s. today I am grateful for the community events I was able to partake in / witness over the weekend. Austin is THRIVING with the amount of great people who show up every time an event is held.
