5 minutes is better than no minutes.
Oct 05, 2022 2:25 pm
Still dealing with my stolen catalytic convertor issue, and managing a few other things that need to happen this week....
So putting my best foot forward into my writing is not happening and it makes me anxious because it is something I strive to do every day.
I just reminded myself to have the same attitude with this as I do with my fitness.
What has made me great over the last decade is showing up and doing 1 mile at a time, 1 rep at a time, etc ... and never allowing myself to do 0.
So here we are this morning.
I was going to do 0 writing, but instead I am doing 1 rep.
And I hope this 1 rep by me...
It will encourage you to analyze your own life, and your own day, and choose to do 1 rep, rather than 0.
Because while we won't always have time for the 100 reps we want to do...
We can always choose to take a couple minutes and do that 1 rep.
p.s. today (and everyday) I am grateful for my wife Erin who has helped me keep my head on straight this entire week.