If you died...

Feb 26, 2021 8:41 pm

doing what you are doing right now, living the life that you live. Showing up week over week the way that you are showing up... would you consider it worth it?

If not, you need to drastically change the way you are going about life.

IT SNOWED IN TEXAS LAST WEEK. So much so, that I am now stuck paying over $3000 to fix things in my house DUE TO A WINTER STORM IN TEXAS!!!

Like wtf. If anything I would have thought a hail storm or hurricane would cause damage, but freezing temps and snow?!?!? Really?!?!?

If this isn't a sign to you and I that life is short, anything can happen...idk what is.

"Get busy living, or get busy dying." - one of my favorite quotes ever.

My interpretation of this is we are all getting closer to death with every minute that goes by. Yet, how many of us use our minutes WISELY, and actually go about LIVING life while we still have a chance?

Here is where most get trapped though.

You may think "living" has to be some adrenaline pumping fairytale story of a life...but that is not what I am talking about.

LIVING to me is waking up after a full night's rest, excited for the day. And during that day, I get to fill my time with things that I love to do, with people that I love to be surrounded by, in an environment/city/dwelling that FILLS MY CUP.

Yep, it is that simple.

Living to me is ...

  1. Excited for my days.
  2. Spending time the way I want to.
  3. Surrounded by people I enjoy the company of.
  4. Residing in a part of the world that fills up my cup.

Everything else that is "great" in this life (travel/experiences/etc), I consider a cherry on top.

The key to the above though, YOU HAVE TO DECIDE FOR YOURSELF!!!

You must decide ...

  1. What makes you excited to wake up every day?
  2. How would you like to spend your time?
  3. Who do you enjoy spending time with?
  4. Where in the world would you LOVE to live?

If you don't know the answers to these questions, I recommend you carve out some time this weekend, go for a walk, and ponder them.

Notice the thoughts and feelings that come about when you ask yourself tough questions like this. Resist the urge to find an "answer" quickly. This isn't a graded test!!! THIS IS YOUR LIFE.


It is absolutely crazy to me how poor our education system is at teaching our youth how to live a fulfilling life. Like wtf is the point of living if we don't enjoy it? And how many people around you clearly aren't enjoying life....MILLIONS.

If they were focused on enjoying it, they wouldn't waste their time arguing on social media with people they will never meet. That is a fact.

Yet, here where are in 2021, more technology and opportunity than ever previously existed...and also, snow storms in Texas, global pandemic....and the world still wants to trap you in the belief that you "must" live a certain way based on some made up preconception that those around you have for you.

Fuck that.

Live life on your terms, and lend a hand to other people to help them do the same as well. We need more people LIVING, and that starts with YOU.

But I can also help you. You don't have to do it alone!

I have gone the traditional path. Engineering degree, high salary job, stable lifestyle.

I have also gone non-traditional, make money online, no salary, less stable lifestyle.

I did both to decide what was best FOR ME.

And I am here to tell you that the only way to know, IS TO GO TRY THINGS!

The kicker is...you don't have unlimited time to go do it though!

The minute you were born was the minute you got closer to death. So go get busy living because you are already on the path to dying.

The choices you make from this moment on, make them with the realization of the statement above aka DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME!


Have a wonderful weekend!



p.s. today I am grateful that I know my own answers to the questions I asked you above. Some people go their entire lifetime's without ever even asking themselves the tough questions. I am very grateful I have had mentors/books that have helped me come to some of my own conclusions in life sooner rather than later.
