Live an examined life.
Jan 27, 2021 9:50 pm
Currently I am reading the book "Living an examined life," by James Hollis.
In the beginning of the book he talks about how our existence is predicated on a constant battle of fear and lethargy.
Meaning, because of fear of what others think, and other personal fears, we generally take the lethargic (lazy) choice to just follow the crowd in most scenarios.
So today in my journal as I watched the sun rise over my fence in my front yard, I asked myself 3 questions...
- Why am I here?
- Who am I meant to become?
- What am I meant to achieve while I am here becoming who I am meant to be?
Contrary to what society will make you believe, you have a choice in the answers to the questions above.
Breaking away from the general fear and lethargy that society places on you is simple, yet it is not easy.
Fear -> in the moment it is way easier to do what we are "supposed" to do. Friends/family/school/jobs they will constantly bestow constraints around you. Whether you believe it or not is your choice to follow those constraints.
Lethargy -> in the moment it is way more comfortable to wake up and stay under your warm covers, mindlessly scroll on your phone, and zone out...then it is to get right up and hydrate/read/meditate/sweat aka set yourself up for success.
You, me, we... have been conditioned by a society that accepts living in fear and lethargy, and often times, ostracizes those who step out of the bubble and push to the next level.
Yet, idk about you, I would rather be ostracized for making the tough choices that will help me make the steps necessary to WRITING MY OWN ANSWERS to the 3 questions I gave you above. Rather than having someone else answer them for me.
How about you? Are you with me? Or are you going to keep letting society write your story?
Start examining your life and writing your own story. Your first step was reading this, and your next step is writing down some answers to your own questions that you have for yourself.
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
p.s. today I am grateful for the simple joys in life. We don't need much to be happy. I always remind myself that.