Happy birthday Dad!
Jan 07, 2021 8:59 pm
My dad and I at the top of a lighthouse in South Carolina.
In a lot of ways, him and I could not be more opposite. But as we both get older, I realize how many core principles he has instilled in me.
The most important one I believe is to always be a problem solver, not a problem starter.
He taught my brother and I that whatever we want in this life, we must WORK HARD for it. Nothing comes easy. Take ultimate responsibility and solve the problem in front of you, regardless of how the problem got there in the first place.
And it is pretty cool to see our family's lives shaping up the way the way they are because we all put the work in over the years.
So thank you Dad!
Your quiet lessons are now being transferred over to others beyond our family, and this world is becoming a better place because of it.
I know how fortunate I was growing up, which is one of my main driving factors in serving others.
We are not all born into the same situations. The world does not work that way. Yet, together we can help each other improve both our opportunities and our outcomes.
Both of my parents granted me opportunities to improve my outcomes, and now I strive to spend a lot of my time helping others improve theirs.
I cannot complete this mission alone though. The world, now more than ever, needs more people that grant opportunities to others to improve their own outcomes.
So today I ask you to think of a few problems that you can help others around you solve. SERVE them the solution, help them improve their outcome, and help this world THRIVE rather than just survive.
My dad and I are counting on you.
Have a wonderful THRIVE THURSDAY!
p.s. today I am grateful that my parents are leaving my childhood home in NJ behind and moving South. I am thoroughly looking forward to spending more time with them in the years to come.