If there is something you want to do later...
Jul 19, 2022 2:43 pm
There is no later.
Finish the work, now.
Go for the run, now.
Book the travel, now.
Tell her/him you love them, NOW.
A common theme I run into these days is chatting with people about what they are working towards, planning on doing, thinking about achieving... etc.
It comes with the nature of those who want to live an extraordinary life.
The extraordinary kind of life...it takes time.
Which means there is a fine line between what you do now, and what you can tell yourself you will do later.
Give yourself decades of time, and it is easy to shuffle things around, and put them off until tomorrow.
But tell yourself you only have 24 hours...and your decision making drastically changes.
From what I have witnessed, most people give themselves decades.
It is not just my opinion though, it is shown in statistics everywhere.
We sign up for extreme amounts of debt because we tell ourselves we have decades to pay it off.
We eat the shitty food now because it doesn't cause diabetes, a heart attack, or cancer in this very moment.
We argue and fight with our loved ones because we don't ever believe today will be the day they walk out on us.
But what if I told you 24 hours is all that you had?
How would this ^^^ change your decision making?
You would do more, and do it better, and make NOW extraordinary.
Here is the thing, our life is the sum of the 24 hour days.
Which means the better your 24 hour increments become, the better your life will be!!!
It is almost 10AM central time.
Which means depending on where you are reading this from, you have about 8-12 hours of time left in TODAY.
How will you choose to DO IT NOW?
p.s. today I am grateful for the branding team I am working with to upgrade all things #thriveonlife. Working with amazing people is one of my greatest joys.