You must embrace...
Jan 06, 2022 2:19 pm
both the highs and the lows!!!
Yesterday I hit 1k downloads (over a 30 day span) of the THRIVE ON LIFE Podcast for the first time ever. Meaning, the end of December was HOT and now the New Year started off HOT too...but I still have never hit an entire single month of 1k+ downloads.
Right now, I am potentially on track for that goal.
In December I got extremely close with 965 downloads. And my goal to kick the year off is to get over that hump. I am hoping you are willing to help me reach a new peak!
Below you can see the graph of the podcast downloads since April 2020 (before 2020 I was using Anchor, the podcast original started in April 2019)
As you can see there are a ton of ups and downs with it. There have been months where I put in a lot of extra work, yet the graph did not reflect it.
Where does this occur in your life?
Maybe it is in the gym? You work out frequently, yet you just aren't seeing the physical changes just yet.
Maybe it is at your job? You put in the hours, yet you are still a bit lost when it comes to your upward mobility and future.
Maybe it is in your relationships with friends and family? You do your best to be open minded and supportive, yet nothing ever seems to go as planned.
Let me be your reminder that ...
So if you are in a valley right now, ask yourself "what can I learn from this?" As well as remind yourself that this valley could potentially be seen as a peek to your past self. Like my graph shows, some of my current valleys beat my old peaks.
If you are in a peak, ask yourself "what did I do to get here? How did this happen?"
The more you reflect and learn from both your peaks and valleys... the better your life will become!
If any of these emails have ever been valuable to you, I would really appreciate if you could help me get to one of my peaks and download the podcast episode I just released today.
If you don't have Spotify, check out an episode on Apple Podcasts HERE
If there is any way I can return the favor, and help you get to your next peak, please respond directly to this email!
p.s. today I am grateful for every guest and listener I have ever had. It is an absolute honor to put out an episode every week. I never felt aligned in my life until I started this show, and I am forever grateful for anyone who has even spent just a minute tuning in.