You have helped me so much...
Feb 28, 2022 1:55 pm
I have now written 350+ email messages on this newsletter.
What started off as a "therapy" writing for myself... meaning I started this because I wasn't enthused with myself or my path in life, so I just started writing more.
I asked myself, why not write to the public instead of in your journal CJ?
And now here we are.
This has now become a staple in my life, and something I look forward to each weekday morning when I wake up.
Throughout this process, I have received questions from you. I have received motivational/inspirational stories of you and all the hard shit you are conquering. I have received bad news that you are dealing with. I have received love, and have had the chance to give that love right back.
I have become a wayyyy better me, all with the hope to help you become a better you.
I wanted to start a new week, and soon to be new month, with letting you know how much you mean to me.
With how much you mean to this world.
Society will make you think you have to take grandiose actions to leave your mark. It is completely not true!
Small ways that you show up for yourself, your friends, your family EVERYDAY ... those are the actions that show WHO you truly are as a person.
And if you show up here for me, I am willing to bet you are the type of person that is showing up for your circle. WE NEED MORE OF YOU!!!
Today's message is both a thank you for being you, and a call to action for you to keep going on your path. Pass the torch that you have lit. Help others shine their own light.
Because I know the feeling of what it feels like when you show up for me and help me shine my light. You have made my life better. And I hope I have done at least an ounce of the same for you.
Thank you.
Continue to show up! It doesn't go unnoticed.
p.s. There are many things I have considered in life.... yet, I have never once considered quitting this newsletter. And while I would like to say that is because I am super disciplined and enjoy every moment of it... that would be a lie. I have never considered it because of YOU. You give me a purpose above and beyond myself each and every morning, and for that, I AM GRATEFUL.