Feb 18, 2022 1:59 pm

Did you know that the richest ($$$) 1% owns about 50% of the entire wealth in America?

I often ponder how we can distribute wealth better? And by wealth... I don't just mean money.

I mean health, education, and the ability to make a positive impact.

Diving into this question has made me notice two things.

  1. It is very EASY to teach someone how to take practical steps to sabe more, invest more, and diversify their assets.
  2. It is very HARD to get people to start believing in themselves, cultivate an abundance mindset, and have them start teaching themselves all the practical tools they will need to live a happier and WEALTHIER life. That takes breaking bad mental habits engrained in us from our past. We can help millions of kids nowadays skip all of this!

Teaching is easy. Anybody can stand on a podium, or put their phone in front of their face and "teach."

Not everyone can get people to believe and take ACTION though.

To distribute wealth we have to look at what creates it in the first place. If we shift more money from the "rich" to the "poor," it will still be a bunch of people who know how to build wealth and others who are bottom feeding. It is a bandaid solution.

However, if we show/teach/help others see that true wealth comes from our own mind +actions...then we can change the landscape of our world forever.

In essence, we become what our mind tells us we deserve to become. For those who start off life with an unfair hand...well they immediately enter a world that tells them they deserve less. THIS IS SO FAR FROM THE TRUTH. They are surrounded by others with the same mentality. And it spirals downwards.

Why do you think the gap of “poor” to “wealthy” is increasing? Not because of lack of jobs. Not because of lack of resources. But because of the lack of having the proper mentality instilled since birth.

For years now I have been saying the statement...


It is for all those people who were not granted the hand to be surrounded by others who believe in them. I believe in YOU. We believe in YOU. And there is a whole world out there filled with people who can help YOU achieve amazing things. Will you let us lend a hand? Will you be coachable? Will you reflect and acknowledge that you have the POWER IN YOU? The choice is yours to make!

You must decide.



p.s. I am grateful that when I was born I entered an environment that granted me opportunities to make something of myself. Not everyone is born into the privilege of a loving family and home.
