My mind can be torturous.
Jan 20, 2023 1:53 pm
Yesterday, I listened to the David Goggins x Chris Williamson podcast episode. (Feel free to checkout the full convo on YouTube here)
Whether you love him, or hate him, Goggins brought up some amazing points during the episode.
One of them that hit close to home for me was when he mentions he does his best to limit his phone usage because he wants to focus on LIVING and LEARNING from the living he does.
Why does this hit home for me?
Because I struggle to maintain a "balance" of using a technology I love to create with, when my heart and soul yearns for adrenaline, adventure, and experiences that push me to my absolute limit.
A lot of days it feels like I am torturing myself by being trapped in a form of purgatory that I cannot seem to find my way out of.
Waking up knowing there is a million things I "could" or "should" be doing...
Yet what really calls me is a 10 mile run through the mountains off grid somewhere.
And as time goes on, the calling creeps louder and louder.
But here I am, waking up blessed to see another day, and writing this from my comfy couch.
Self torture.
Here is the thing, I know what I want.
There is beauty in that.
Because what I have seen torture more souls than myself, is those that struggle to understand who they are and what they want out of life.
I will get to the point where I can add more adventure into my everyday life.
The hard work I put in now... the tools and tech... I will use them to build a life where it is a bit more spicy for me each and everyday.
Each and every day I think about the one step I can take to get me on the path to what I truly want.
Really, I have no choice.
My mind tortures me and pulls me along.
What about you though?
What has been calling you?
Clawing at you?
Begging you to follow it?
Use this upcoming weekend to step a bit closer to whatever that calling is.
p.s. today I am grateful for those that showed up to my podcast meetup yesterday. I absolutely love learning and living around people who are passionate about what they do.