Making money is not a thing you do...
Oct 11, 2022 2:35 pm
--- it's a skill you learn.
(from the Almanack of Naval Ravikant)
I recently spent time with a close friend of mine, and I began to notice something, he used the word "expensive" a lot.
Like all my friends and family know...
If I notice something, I am going to be direct and tell you.
Because I love you and want the best for you.
And one of the most toxic traits I have witnessed from friends and family...
Is the mindsets they have around money.
9/10 times they have scarcity mindset.
Let's use my friend as an example.
The word expensive will mean something different to everyone.
It is not like running a mile...
A mile is a set number of feet.
But expensive?
That is left up to interpretation.
If someone is a millionaire they will certainly have a different view of what is "expensive" compared to someone who has only $1.
Yet must it be this way?!?
Why can't you have a millionaire mindset when you only have $1?
Right now, in this very moment, you can transition your mindset from everything is "expensive" ...
Yes everything has a cost....
but I can value myself high enough to figure out the skills needed so that I will be able to pay whatever cost is thrown at me.
So this makes me ask the question, "why do so many people de-value themselves and what they can achieve in their lives when it comes to $$$ ?"
Because they were never taught the proper SYSTEM for accruing wealth.
Everyone, no matter how intelligent, can have the goal of "I want to be wealthy."
So why isn't everyone flush with cash then?
One of my favorite quotes is something James Clear wrote...
Goals aren't good enough.
You need a system.
And I want more people to feel empowered to EARN the amount of $$$ they wish to receive.
What are the first few steps?
- Tracking
- Track what you are currently spending
- Investing
- Put a percentage of your money somewhere that it will earn you more $$$ (Use money to buy you more money)
- Accountability
- Build yourself a team of coaches/advisors/accountant/etc that will hold you accountable to the goals you say you want to hit
- Read Books, Listen to Podcasts, Watch YouTube
- Connect and learn from other people who are already doing what you want to do
I guarantee if you implement a system where you are tracking your expenses, investing a percentage of your earnings, hiring/partnering with others who will hold you accountable, and consistently educating yourself on how to continue to grow your skills and knowledge...
You will achieve a life where the word "expensive" means a lot larger of a dollar amount than what you are currently believing.
p.s. today I am grateful for the people who have helped me improve my own money mindset.