pain is not your enemy
Feb 13, 2023 2:16 pm
comfort is.
Pain will tell you the truth.
Comfort will lie to you and make empty promises.
I am often left wondering how we went from this...
To this...
And let me be very clear, I am not 100% against the second image.
Their have been massive advances in civilization that have made the world a better place for billions of people.
Yet, I sometimes wonder what the "true cost" of these advances are?
We are getting to the point where we are stripping away what it means to be a human.
Easy Example:
Fake light.
Fake stress.
Fake friendships.
Minimal movement.
Many lacking fulfillment and purpose in life.
And when we aren't sitting at our computer all day what else are we doing?
Having so much fun!
Why am I writing about this today?
Because I put myself through some pain over the weekend at Deka Fit and it is one of the thoughts that came to mind as I was enduring that pain.
The event is ten " 500 meter runs" with ten "strength/enduring movements" in between each set of running.
It took me 38 minutes to complete.
And I was in pain for probably 37 minutes of it LOL.
What did I learn about myself during this?
That as much as I say I "work hard" ... I lie to myself sometimes.
As much as I tell myself that I believe I can do something, the thoughts of quitting, the thoughts of I "can't" ... they are still very abundant and taking up space in my mind.
That when times get really really tough, in those small moments, I still choose comfort.
But what happens when the race is finished?
When it is all over...
When the dust settles...
I can't help but think to myself, damn that was a lot more fun than the comfort of my couch.
And it is in this moment that I realize the pain I felt the entire race...
It is not my enemy.
It's one of my REALEST friends that will never hold back and lie to me.
It will be there to push me.
To bring awareness to me.
And to help me become the person I am destined to be.
Now it is your turn.
How can you befriend your pain in the near future?
Instead of you running from it...
Acknowledge it, learn from it, and adapt to THRIVING with it.
If you do, you will learn to live in a way that brings more meaning and fulfillment to your life.
And then you can help others begin to find their own meaning and fulfillment!
p.s. today I am grateful for my wife and other friends who came out to support the competitors on Saturday. Having them cheer me on in the arena is one of the most fulfilling feelings in the world.