What decade were you meant to live in?

Jun 16, 2023 1:12 pm

Let's be honest, you are distracted a lot.

I am too.

Whether you and I like it or not, life in 2023 can seem like one big distraction.

I'm a curious person, and one of the things I have always been curious about is what it would have been like to live in different periods of times.

From the ancient times, to when America was officially started, to the 1970's...

What my life would have looked like then.

Who would I have been.

Where would I have ended up.

Personally, I would love to be able to teleport back to what we now consider the classic rock age. Late 60's into the early 80's.

Have you ever seen the movie Dazed and Confused with Matthew McConaughey?


No computers.

No internet.

No cell phones.

Which means no distractions from texts/emails and all the other noise that these tools and technologies bring.

Can you imagine waking up and not immediately picking your phone up?

And then when you walk out of your bedroom their is no computer to open up or digital world to go look at?

What would this force you to do?


I want to be clear not to sound like I am mad that these technologies were invented.

I am very grateful for my life and the tools I utilize on a daily basis.

As well as the advances that have helped more humans live healthier happier lives.

But if this recent beach trip has made me realize something, it is that I find myself way more distracted than I would have originally thought.

And when I go back to my routine in Texas next week, one of the major habit changes I will be implementing revolves around acknowledging all my distractions, and doing my best to minimize them.

Then I plan to heavily focus on asking myself the question...

If I had no phone, no computer, and no internet, WHAT WOULD I DO TODAY?

How would I go out and LIVE?

The answers to these questions will force me to get my ass in gear and go live a life of adventure and experiences.


Do you want to join me in this pursuit?

A pursuit to live a more present, less distracted life?

I hope you do.

How can you start?

Respond to this directly with your 3 greatest distractions.

Here are mine ⬇️

  1. Producing content (this is my greatest distraction because it is part of my career so I focus on it a lot, but I abuse it.. and I need to be more intentional)
  2. My phone as a whole. I am not really a social mediae scroller, but if my phone is near me I will do everything from checking email, to researching the stock market constantly, to answering the hundreds of messages I let pile up WHOOPS lol.
  3. My own mind. I tend to get lost in my mind a lot, rather than being present where my two feet are. I need to bring my meditation practice back into my life and work on my monkey brain.

I'd love for you to think about this and respond.

I know if you do, you'll ultimately find ways to reduce your distractions and live a more fulfilling life.

And that is what this world needs! More of us to be fulfilled.



p.s. I am grateful for the past 2 weeks at the beach. It has been a really good time so far.
