what the f*ck?
Jan 28, 2021 8:47 pm
In grade school you get asked "what do you want to become?"
I fucking hate this question.
Because it should be "WHO do you want to become?"
From birth we are taught to judge ourselves based on "WHAT."
What do we look like?
What clothes do we wear?
What high school do we go to?
What sports team do we play on?
What colleges do we get into?
What internships do we get?
What company do we work for?
What does our spouse do?
What car do we drive?
What do our kids do?
I hate WHAT.
I'm a WHO and WHY a guy.
Who do you want to become, and why do you want to become that.
As for me,
I want to be the best husband I can be. (I suck sometimes, actually I suck a lot of the time. The first step to reaching my potential though, is acknowledging I am not all that great ALL THE TIME.
I want to be the best entrepreneur I can be. (I'm far from this. I forget a lot of things I need to do. I have invested energy into the wrong projects, people, and businesses. I have let people down. I have let myself down. I have lost money. I have fallen over myself numerous times. But I learn every time I make a mistake and I use that wisdom to keep pushing forward. I refuse to let any "failures" stop me and will continue to get better and better. )
I want to be the fittest mind/body/soul I can be. (For decades of my life I blamed my illness/sicknesses on other things other than my own stubbornness and stupidity. I've known I had stomach issues since birth, so WHY THE FUCK did I drink so much alcohol in college? No longer will I be a victim to my own self.
That's it. Why is that it?
Because if I strive to be the best husband, I will follow that with being a great father, family member, etc.
If I strive to be the best entrepreneur, I will follow that and be a great listener, educator, teammate, etc.
When I focus on bettering my mind/body/soul ... it helps in all areas of my life.
These 3 things will ultimately help me become a better human being and I have the opportunity to keep reaching a new potential every year that I focus on them.
The "WHAT" doesn't really matter.
Who I CHOOSE to become will be responsible for bringing to life the potential that exists within me.
I want to know yours though.
And if you don't want to share that is fine. All I ask is that you write it down yourself. Take notes on it. And when you find yourself in any given moment, and that moment is not helping you with your potential...
Happy Thrive Thursday! Go LIVE up to your potential!
p.s. today I am grateful I got to watch another badass sunrise. Check it out.