The past is gone, the future isn't guaranteed...THE TIME IS NOW.
Jan 06, 2021 9:09 pm
Tomorrow is the 7th day of 2021. Time just flies doesn't it?!?
Maybe you made a New Year's resolution...and maybe you didn't.
But you are lying to yourself if you say you did not think about what this year was going to look like for you.
This is a short message to not let your year be defined by the first couple days.
Whether they were good, or they were bad, the future is predicated on what you ACTUALLY DO RIGHT NOW!
The fact is, the past is gone, and the future may not exist for you. Anything can happen.
Yet, right now is the only moment in time that you can have an impact on.
Are you up for the task of making the most of it though?!?
So forget this first week.
What I want you to do is write down what IMPACT are you going to make today, and for the rest of this month.
Forget about the rest and FOCUS on taking the steps towards making that impact.
As for me, the impact I make today will be made by helping my clients level themselves up, hosting a virtual learning session on investing (shown below)
(If you are free, and would like to join, CLICK HERE.)
And spending time with my wife this evening.
This is what I can control. TODAY.
Now it is your turn!
Have a great Wednesday!
p.s. today I am grateful it is raining in Austin. Why? Life is better when it is interesting than when it is the same old same old. I am grateful when the universe makes it interesting for me.