If you want to be the best, be the best.

Feb 09, 2022 2:11 pm

I said this to a good friend of mine the other day.

He is currently working on building his company, and mentioned he wants to be the best in the world at his specific craft.

So I challenged him, and now I am challenging you, to GO DO IT!

Where do you start?

Surprisingly, to be the best, you must start with constraints.

Meaning, you must analyze and define "what is the best?"

How can you score a goal if you don't know where the net is right?

  1. Find the best websites out there, make yours better.
  2. Find the best books out there, make yours better.
  3. Find the best podcasts out there, make yours better.
  4. Find the best companies out there, make yours "BETTER."

Do you see where I am going with this yet?

Being the "best" is left up for interpretation.


By Spotify/Apple metrics standpoints I am nowhere near being the "best" podcaster.

However, in my lens, I am becoming the best podcaster who is also an athlete, writer, husband, entrepreneur, friend, HUMAN...

I have made my own definition to what I consider the "best."

Once I defined it, I then wrote down what I habits I must live by on a daily basis to become that person I defined.

Yet, what if I had lived by society's definition of the "best" podcaster?

I would be tormenting myself because I will never live up to that standard... and I don't want to either!!!

Here is your exercise for today...

Write down what it means to you to be the BEST you.

Make it your own.

Then write down habits, characteristics, and actions that you must take to bring that best version of yourself to reality.

Surprisingly, it truly is this simple.

I wish this was an exercise we did every year in grade school.

As a society we have to stop comparing ourselves and defining what is best for others. It doesn't help anyone.

Have fun writing your definition today.

I look forward to seeing you become the best version of yourself you possibly can be!



p.s. today I am grateful that I got to create some fun content in the sun yesterday with my friends. Having the time to flex my creativity is something I cherish every time I get the opportunity.
