Put your two feet in.
May 24, 2021 5:02 pm
For the first 3 decades of my life...I had one foot in a lot of areas of my life.
And when you have one foot in, you also have one foot out.
^^^this is a recipe for feeling uninspired due to mediocrity.
What do I mean by this?
I constantly split my efforts into a bunch of different areas because I was busy completing an imaginary agenda.
An agenda in which I thought others would be pleased if I accomplished.
Two examples:
I got the good grades because I knew it would "look good," not because I actually cared about learning the topics.
I joined the clubs/teams/events ... not because they were my extreme passions, but because I thought they would lead me to a better future.
I believe a lot of people can relate to the above, maybe you relate too.
My question for you now though, is what would your life had looked like if you did exactly what your heart had desired? What would life look like now if you put two feet into everything you did, rather than always having one foot out so you can escape?
Below is a clear example for me. From mid-April to mid-May I put two feet into training for Hyrox Austin. I wanted to show up and show out for my community, my family/friends, my wife, and most importantly...myself. The kid who once had dreams of becoming a professional athlete. Now the adult who hit the podium in a race that destroyed him a little over a year ago.
The best part about this process has been seeing other people put "two feet in" as well. My wife Erin, and several other people also got to stand on the podium last weekend.
Passion leads to progress, and that progress then leads to other people leaning into their passions as well.
To get you working on your passions each and every day. That is how you THRIVE ON LIFE.
To end, I want you to look at yourself in the mirror, and ask yourself the question of ...
"Where do I have one foot in and one foot out? What can I stop doing right now so that I can put my full energy into something that I am wholeheartedly passionate about?"
And if you don't know what you are passionate about, reach out to me. I know what that fog is like too and would love to help you find clarity!
Go crush your week!
p.s. today I am grateful I was able to watch so many beautiful people give it there absolute all on Saturday. It was awesome to watch so many people enter the arena and push themselves as hard as they could. I am still lit up from it all.