You are only as good as your TEAM.
Apr 25, 2021 7:05 pm
I am a part of a Men's Group called "Men We Admire."
Below is a photo of some of us who took a trip to Lake Tahoe for a few days starting yesterday.
Call us Team Tahoe.
The group was created by one of my friends Alex Weber who is an amazing human being. Check him out here.
Every week, guys from across the country jump on a call to check in with their own lives, and lend support to the other men in the group. It is a chance for us to be vulnerable, talk about the things we are struggling with, and ultimately it provides an environment where we can help each other become the "Men We Admire..." aka work towards being the better men that we are all striving to be.
As for me, it has been a highlight to my 2021 so far. To keep this short and sweet for your Sunday, the most important thing it has has provided me with a community of humans who know they have flaws, but are working to overcome them. It has gifted me a chance to look in the mirror with other high achievers and ask for advice and tips to improve myself.
This group has once again been a reminder to me that I am only as good as the people I am surrounded by. If someone on the team is struggling, it is our duty to help that person, as well as speak up if we are the one who is struggling.
I tell all of this to you because if you do not have a team in your life that you can lean on, I highly recommend you seek one out, or build one like Alex did.
I promise you it will have a massive positive impact on your life!
Now it is time for me to go enjoy a run in the snow. This will be so much different than the 80 degree runs I have been getting used to back in Texas. I will embrace it all and enjoy it though...LIFE is happening and I am blessed to be taking part in it.
I hope you have a wonderful Sunday!
p.s. Again I am reminded of the positive power of technology if utilized properly. The men you see in the photo above, some of them I have never met in real life until now...yet it feels like we are already best friends. Thats what happens when you utilize zoom and other tools for GOOD.