A bad day...

Jun 17, 2021 5:37 pm

probably isn't so bad as you think.

Have you ever thought about the concept of a "bad" day?

You ever have friends or family members that tell you they had a "bad" day?

Or even yourself, have you had a bad day recently?

Or is it that you/they had a bad minute/hour that caused the FEELING as if the whole day was bad?

Here's the thing...

I can count on one hand the amount of bad days I have had in my life.

Sure, I have had a bad hour or two, yet I never let that convert into bad energy the entire day.

Now you might be saying "CJ you are fortunate and have been lucky to live the life you have." And to that I would say, sure there are things I have been granted, things that I am grateful for and plan to give back because of, but you/me/we...we all go through hard shit in this life.

I have been physically sick a majority of my life. Recently, I have realized how mentally sick I used to be as well. People have died around me. People have caused harm to my family and myself. Yet, someone 100 years ago, suffering to find food or water, struggling to keep their family alive, having no luxuries like we have today... they would laugh at my "bad day." Heck there are people out there today suffering with that same struggle. I would feel so guilty to say I am having a "bad" day when I know what people are going through in this world.

Therefore, I don't tell myself I get to have "bad days..." instead, I have character building days.

Here is the thing...your feelings and your emotions...they will try to convince you that when you are feeling a bit "off," and that the whole world is crumbling around you during this terrible day.

But in that moment of despair, if you choose to zoom out on your life, think about what it truly looks like to have a "bad day," ask yourself "what are other people going through out there right now? (most definitely way worse than what your feelings are making you believe).

I guarantee you start to change your mind a bit.

To actually start "feeling" better though.. you have to go take ACTION on the things that make it a "good" day for you...and voila, you are out of the "bad" day.

What ACTIONS give you good feelings? Write them down.

^^^ this is PERSPECTIVE. And perspective is what will make your life better every single day.

And the more you are able to have perspective in the toughest of moments, the happier/healthier/more peaceful you will be.

So here is what I want you to do right now...

  1. Ask yourself what does a "bad" day in your world look like?
  2. Ask yourself what does a "good" day in your world look like?
  3. What ACTIONS/HABITS are you taking that could potentially lead to a "bad" day?"
  4. What ACTIONS/HABITS are you taking that lead to "good" days?

When you answer the questions above, you now have the antidote to when you start having a bad minute/bad hour/bad day.

There will always be "bad" in this world, yet it is our CHOICE to wash out the bad with the GOOD that we take action on.

If you choose not to do the above...you can potentially fall into a life where you let bad hours become a bad day, a bad day become a bad week, a bad month become a bad year...and a bad year to become a bad life. It is all mental.

Now go have a good day!!!



p.s. today I am grateful for family and nature. Get outside, it heals!!!



