Don't react, RESPOND.
Mar 11, 2021 8:30 pm
Last night I had crippling back spasms.
So bad, I think I scared my wife into thinking I needed to go to the hospital.
I knew what it was from though, overdoing it. One minute I was sitting on my bed, next minute I couldn't walk or talk. It was my body saying SLOW THE FUCK DOWN CJ.
This has been a crazy week, with a lot of things we couldn't control. (We literally just got our hot water back in our house yesterday. (Yes I am still juggling business, life, and trying to get our house put back together from the February winter storm).
Old me would have "reacted" in annoyance, pain, and despair. Immediately thinking "how could this happen the night before my event with WHOOP. Why would the world do this to me?!?!"
The thing is, the world didn't do anything to me, it did it FOR ME.
It gave me this test to see if I would react like I used to, or respond in the appropriate way.
What was that response?
Reflecting on the fact I have not been eating well this week, drinking enough water, sleeping enough, RELAXING & RECOVERING enough for my body to keep up.
So instead of cursing at myself, this morning I chose to meditate, stretch, use my Theragun, call my dad to ask what he has done to help his lower back over the years, and now write this message to focus on WHAT I CAN DO to help solve the issue, rather than sit in the "doom and gloom" state of mind.
And ultimately, I hope my dose of excruciating pain can lead you to reflecting on where in your own life have you immediately "reacted" rather than "responded" in the appropriate manner?!?
This about this question today, and then go take action the next time you catch yourself have a poor reaction to something that happened to you in your life.
It is time for me to respond and go kick some ass (I am coaching, not training myself) at today's WHOOP workout event
Have a wonderful THRIVE THURSDAY!
p.s. today I am grateful for my back. You have no idea how important it is, until you lose the ability to move/walk.