Mar 22, 2021 6:26 pm

What will move the needle fastest for you?

Our insecurities kill our dreams more than our failures ever do. This is a fact.

Why is this though?

Because instead of doing the hard thing that will move the needle more quickly for us, and bring our dreams to reality, we do the bare minimum to make us "feel" good. And it is our insecurities that lead us down this burdening path.

Doing the hard thing "doesn't feel good." Yet, the results of the hard work you put in are like ecstasy. Not that I know what that is like. ;)

I have been saying this for years now actually... WATCH HERE for a 1-minute video of me that proves this.

In the video I talk about running on a treadmill. Most people when they get on the treadmill, they know that nobody is watching them, so what do they do?!?

They put it to a mediocre pace, with minimal to no what do they end up with?!?!

A mediocre run. A mediocre workout. A mediocre existence.

The sad thing is, this is exactly how they go about their lives.

Maybe this is how you go about your own life.

Sure, you can be proud that you even got on the treadmill because so many others don't.

But did you really give it your all in that moment?

Did you really move your needle forward? Or did you just keep your mundane existence pitter pattering along.

Enough is enough!

This week I want you to put that shit on incline. Put yourself into high gear. And do the hard thing that has been plaguing you in your mind.

Even if that hard thing ends up defeating you in the battle, you are on pace to win the war because when you choose the 10 minutes of "incline" in every aspect of your life... you will always get better results than when you just "walk" for an hour at a time.

Go kick some ass this week and do the hard things!



p.s. today I am grateful for the amount of sun I got this weekend. It was another reminder for me to get outside more. This week, my hard thing is to say "NO" more, so that I can do the things that fulfill me, and being outside is one of the things that bring the most fulfillment to me.
