Focus on moving boulders, not pebbles.

Jun 26, 2023 1:40 pm

Any goal you have ever wanted to achieve in life...

The cost of it is some type of discomfort that you must go through.

The kicker is...

The bigger your goals get, the larger the discomfort you will have to go through.


This fundamental principle is the reason most people start to settle at some point in life.

Either after they got their degree, they decided that was enough work.

Or after they get to some level in their job/career they start coasting.

Life is hard.

Building a career is hard.

Achieving greatness in all of it is one of the hardest pursuits anyone can take on.

I am not here to tell you that either which way is better.

I am only here for those that know deep down within themselves...

They want more from life.

Is this you?

Because it's definitely me.

Let me show you what I mean.

Here's a photo from inside my Sauna last night.

Aiden was sitting on Erin's lap as we watched the sunset and traded baby watching duty to both go in and out of our sauna.


Seeing them together like this, in our backyard, in an environment we worked so hard to build...

It brought tears to my eyes while I was sitting there in the 200 degree heat.

I am living a dream.

Yet this photo also brought me some pain.

Because deep down, I failed at one of my goals to build something so valuable by this point in my life, that I could grant Erin the opportunity to focus solely on our child and her own endeavors.

This is a very tough pill for me to swallow.

I literally have it all.

The perfect partner.

Our little family.

Supportive family and friends.

The home that has everything we need.

But none of that matters to me as much as FREEDOM and TIME for myself and those I love.

And this is what I mean by the subject line "focus on moving boulders, not pebbles."

The "boulders" in my life are the hard things I must do to figure out how to buy Erin and I our freedom to do what we want, when we want, with who we want, whenever we want.

And the pebbles are the little things along the way that every person deals with. (the at-home chores, daily tasks, etc)

The key is to not allow too much of my focus and energy to go towards the pebbles.

I need to reserve it for attacking Goliath and pushing the boulders uphill.


Nobody can push a boulder alone.

Let me repeat...

Nobody can push a boulder alone.

It must be done together!


You must surround yourself with other people who ⬇️

  1. Have moved boulders like the one you are trying to push.
  2. Are currently moving the same type / size of boulder.

For me,

I need to build something that makes multiple 7-figures to earn the freedom I seek.

I've already produced multiple 6-figure investments/business/etc. and that creates a great life, but not one with ultimate freedom.

So what do I do?

Both in person and digitally I surround myself with those who have already done / on the path to doing what I am after.

(If you know anyone who has pushed a boulder like the one I am working to move, please connect us! And if I can connect you with someone for yours, let me know!)





The first step to surrounding yourself with other people relies on you understanding yourself enough to know what the ultimate goal is.

What pains you like the pain I mentioned from seeing that photo that I took?

^^^ Whatever causes you pain is typically a good indicator of a path you must conquer.

Let's move some boulders this week!!!



p.s. Grateful for an epic weekend with Erin, Aiden, and friends at the two fitness events we went to. Life is better together.
