The best piece of advice I have ever received.... PART II

Jul 14, 2023 12:13 pm

Back in January I posted this image in one of my messages here.


And yesterday I pondered more on this question.

Here is my addition to the response above.

"The best piece of advice I've ever received had nothing to do with business, wealth, fitness, or anything like that.

It was a statement.

[CJ, it's not your job to make other people happy. But it is your duty to live your life in a way that makes YOU happy and encourages others to create their own happiness as well.]

Who said this statement to me?

My 100 year old self."




Why am I posting this message again?

Since the birth of Aiden, naturally I have been thinking about the circle of life more and more.


Who I want to become.

What type of man I want to be for him and my family.

Why I want to do the things that I say I want to do.

And something that frequently crosses my mind is the thought of peace and happiness, as well as what brings those two things to me.

Almost all of the time it is very simple things and they stem from me taking care of my own mind, body and spirit.

The realization that my internal energy is like a plant that needs to be watered.

If I water my own plant, it will reap fruit that not only nourishes me, but those around me as well.

It is my duty to ensure that I find peace and happiness within myself.

External factors must remain of minimal influence.


I am no guru lol.

I get frustrated, annoyed, and sometimes I do overreact and lose my temper.

I experience the full ride it is to be human just like everyone else.

Yet, something I feel I do better than the majority is I analyze it all.


Most people resist change like it is the plague.

Instead, I control my experience with discipline and the persistence to be better.

My hope with this message is to inspire you to do the same!!!

I want you to reflect and think about how you can bring yourself more peace and happiness.

It is not your job to worry about how everyone else is doing it!

What does it look like for you to invest into YOU?!?

Nourish yourself first and then help the world THRIVE because of it.



p.s. today I am grateful for YOU! I have received some very kind messages lately. Your thought provoking responses, and willingness to share your own stories with me, they do not go unnoticed or unfelt. My heart becomes bigger every time I read them, and my fuel to continue on my mission gets replenished. Thank YOU for being you.
