"It takes a village."
Jan 14, 2022 2:27 pm
I am sure you have heard the quote in the subject line before.
Sadly, in a world that is increasingly becoming individualistic, many are losing the awareness and sense around why it is important to be part of a community.
And today is a day I am fully aware that it takes a tribe to succeed.
I have finally hit one of my longterm goals to hit 1k a month downloads of the THRIVEONLIFE Podcast.
This made me reflect on how I got to this point.
It started with my one of my best friends Faiez Rana convincing me on April 2nd, 2019 to start a podcast. So, without any gear, I used my phone and asked him if he would be my first guest. He said yes and we recorded on the Whole Foods rooftop.
Here is a photo of that day, check the date...
Here is what we released if you would like to listen.
THRIVEONLIFE Podcast Episode 1
After recording about the first 30 episodes with close friends (thank you friends I love you) I decided to take the podcast to the next level.
I began to upgrade the entire production. At first I was doing this myself, yet I knew I needed more help and expertise.
And that is where another one of my good friends came in.
Dana Drahos was living in Vietnam at the time and managing her own podcast production company.
Dana transformed my podcast into a well oiled machine.
Here is a glimpse.
Essentially she organized, optimized, and managed the show, so that I could focus on what I do best... community relations and marketing.
THANK YOU DANA for building the foundation of this show!!!
Next I want to thank a friend I met through Dana. Her name is Katherine. She systemized the podcast and wrote the best SOP's I have ever seen to help us transfer Dana's duties over to my then intern at the time, but now turned soloprenuer Jake Allen.
Meanwhile, behind the scenes one of my friends who grew up in my hometown, Joe Gangemi, he is an audio engineer and will be closing in on over 100 episodes produced for us this year! He currently runs his own audio engineering business so if you need help in that world, please reach out and I will connect y'all!
Lastly, I want to thank Zandre Engelbrecht who I met online while searching for agencies to help the show produce better content. Fortunately, she did just that and helped our digital presence get to the next level.
Zandre currently resides in South Africa... which meant the entire team that has built this has been truly global. None of us live in the same state, some not even in the same country/continent.
The reason I am showcasing all of this to you is because the THRIVEONLIFE mission was created to help YOU thrive. And to me, thriving is predicated on taking action on our dreams. There are so many brilliant people who sadly die with dreams still inside them because they never had the courage to chase them and bring them to life.
I don't want that to be you.
When I started this show, it started as myself and one other friend.
Today, it has turned into something that saved my life. It has literally built a family around me.
And the best part is? We are just getting started. I cannot wait to continue to grow this family and this tribe that is on a mission to fully LIVE life.
I want to encourage you today to grab that one friend that believes in you, AND GET STARTED ON BUILDING YOUR OWN FAMILY/TRIBE/COMMUNITY/VILLAGE ... whatever you want to call it.
Because when we strive together, WE THRIVE TOGETHER!
p.s. today I am grateful for you. You are a part of the village and I am so thankful you continue to show up and support the tribe.