Why is it called "day off?"
Mar 10, 2022 1:42 pm
Have you ever thought about that?
"I need a day off."
I am sure you have heard someone say this.
Or you were the one to say it.
And the reason people say it, it is not what they think.
The reason they say it is because they are not ON enough when it comes to doing the things that they truly love.
It's not that they are doing too much, and that they need a break, it is the fact that they are DOING TO LITTLE of what it is that truly fills up their cup.
You never need a "day off" from the work, people, experiences, etc that you love.
So if you are thinking to yourself about how you need some days off...
maybe it is a sign you actually need to switch up your life so that you have more days where you are truly ON.
Just some Thursday food for thought for you.
p.s. I am grateful I live a life that I no longer feel I need a vacation from. I hope to inspire and help others earn the same feeling.