The Courage To Be Disliked

Mar 16, 2022 12:49 pm

I am currently reading the book called The Courage To Be Disliked.

So far it has been great.

Especially the pages that I read this morning.

They talked about the inferiority complex that many of us struggle with.

So it got me thinking.

How has the feeling of inferiority impacted my life?!?

Which lead me to produce these photos below which I made on my Instagram.






If you relate to this at all?

I'd love to know!!!




After reading the pages, and creating those photos, it got me thinking how many people have left world changing ideas in their brains all because of the inferiority complex?

How many communities suffer, all because the people in the community are too scared to break out of their current belief system and take a risk on their own dreams?

I see clearly see how the feeling of inferiority ties into the fear of being disliked by those around us.

If you can break through the fear of being disliked, if you can gain the courage to stand up for yourself and what you believe in, the feeling of inferiority will start to wither away.

I know this because I have been on the journey of achieving it.

And I want the same for you!!!

What is one courageous step that you can take this week to transition from operating in the world of fear, to taking ACTION in the world of abundance? In the world that does not care what others think. In a world where you are neither superior or inferior to others, instead, you are on a journey to becoming superior to your yesterday's self.



p.s. I am grateful for the sun. My recovery tools have been showing me that getting an abundance of sunlight recently has helped my recovery! It also massively helps my mood. GO GET OUTSIDE FAM!!!
