Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset

Mar 24, 2022 12:57 pm


Which type are you?

Which type are your closest friends and family members?

How about your co-workers?




A fixed mind will live in a fixed world.

A growth mind will live in a limitless world.

Is your world fixed or limitless?

Here's a quote for you that you should remember to apply to all areas of your life...

“The best time to grow a tree was ten years ago. The second best time to grow one is right now.”

Why am I telling you this quote? Because if you have had a fixed mindset throughout your life, maybe up until this very moment, it is never too late to plant the seed of growth.

No matter your age.

No matter your location.

No matter your skillset.

You CAN CHOOSE to plant the seed of growth in your mind.

"What does that look like CJ?"

Let's keep it simple to start.

  1. What is ONE way you can improve your physical health? Is it it being more discipline with your food consumption? Is it going to bed earlier? Is it exercising routinely? Only you know the answer. PICK ONE and take action on it over the course of the next week.
  2. What is ONE way you can improve your mental health? Is it meditating? Is it reading a book? Is it going to a therapy session? Is it booking a weekend trip and going off the grid for a few days? Only you know the answer. PICK ONE and take action on it over the course of the next week.
  3. What is ONE way you can improve your spiritual health? Is it going on a retreat? Is it going to church? Is it laying in the sun and soaking up the vitamin D? Is it lighting a candle and incense and doing breath work? PICK ONE and take action on it over the course of the next week.

GROWTH MINDSET starts with simple decisions. And those simple decisions you make, they will turn into your daily habits. Over time, these daily habits combined and compound into an ENTIRE LIFE that is filled with growth and opportunity.

I certainly want that for my life.

I also want it for yours!

So let's grow TOGETHER!




p.s. today I am grateful for the growth minded people around me. My environment is world class. I did the work to place myself in this environment, yet I am continuously reminded how fortunate I am to be here. Also, I must continue to do the work to remain here.
