Nothing changes if nothing changes.
Dec 30, 2021 1:43 pm
Less than 48 hours until another New Year hits.
Yet, is it really that new?
It is still the same old you.
you decide to ACTUAL make a change.
I turn 31 soon.
Where are my fellow Capricorns at? lessss gooooo.
Reason I mention this, is because it means I have been through 3 decades of "new years" now.
And one common theme I have noticed about all of them... you and I ... we humans, we struggle to change anything lol.
Because of this, I will not ask you what your resolution is.
Thinking about what you want to resolve or change won't do shit unless you start recreating your habits.
And the first habit I want you to recreate is the one where you start lowering your expectations of everything and everyone around you, EXCEPT YOURSELF. Keep your standards for yourself high.
While also raising your level of appreciation for everything and everyone around you, INCLUDING YOURSELF.
You, like me, have probably caught yourself at times holding ridiculous standards for life, and the people around you, and then you get "hurt" or let down when they are not met.
Instead, appreciate the good, let go of the bad, AND KEEP FUCKING MOVING ON!
I have said it before and I will say it thousands of times in my lifetime... control your controllables.
- Control your attitude. (Be kind to yourself and those around you)
- Control your effort/energy. (Work hard and bring positive energy everyday)
If you can do these things, no matter what year you will be entering, now or in the future, your life will become something MORE.
Nothing changes if nothing changes.
So are you ready to make the change?!?
APPRECIATION > expectation
Let's do it together!
p.s. today I am grateful for you. I appreciate you. And I hope you know that, and let it sink in that there are people that care about you.