Death is a great reminder.

Jul 19, 2023 2:01 pm

Why can't we find peace?



My son is exactly 3 months old today and just starting his life.

And my grandmother is 93+ years old and on the last leg of hers.

I saw her on FaceTime yesterday and it brought some tears to my eyes when I finished the call.

Not because I know she is nearing her end, but because it reminded me that WE ALL have an end.

She was still cracking jokes and just enjoying the fact she was spending time outside. She is at peace knowing what is next for her.

Yet, why can't we all find that peace during the younger parts of our lives?

Life is hard.

But there is so much beauty and magic in all of it.

And my heart hurts knowing that so many people never fully reflect and appreciate the beauty and magic that exists solely within their own beating heart, thinking mind, and breathing lungs.



The reality?

In one instance yesterday I put a little human being down for his nap, and a few moments later, I witnessed another human being approaching her final one.

It was the greatest reminder that our lives balance on a thread each and every day.

This shouldn't cause us stress or anxiety.

Rather, quite the opposite.


If you fully acknowledge how much of a blessing it is to be alive today...

You will live in a way that brings more joy and happiness to your own life.

Because what is the point of stressing all the little shit, all the nonsense and noise people will throw at you, and all the fictitious worries that your own mind will make up to distract you?!?

What is the point?

There is none.

It's wasted time.

And I am here to help you and so many others stop wasting time.

Life is now.

You can be at peace now.

You can enjoy yourself now.

Life balances on a thread.

And if you are on the side of the thread that is currently breathing...

You are winning!

So go out and act like it! :)



p.s. today I am grateful to have spent so much time with Erin and Aiden these first 3 months of his life. It is time I will never forget and it fuels my fire to work even harder to free up more of my time to spend with my family.
