You get what you pay for.
Feb 24, 2022 2:41 pm
I have a short story for you that I believe you can relate to in your own way.
The first "THRIVE" website I ever tried to build... I paid a contractor $500 to help with it.
Lets just say that $500 did not give me much help lol.
In fact, the website looked worse after the "help" than when I did it myself.
And I never ended up using it.
Quick question for you...
how do you view that $500 that I spent?
Even though I did not get a functioning website out it, was it a worthwhile investment?
If you answered yes, then you agree with me.
But why?
It taught me a valuable lesson in entrepreneurship, and life in general.
- "Cheap" costs you more in the long run. (buying 2 pairs of the $60 dollar boots per year, is more than spending the $110 for the better pair that will last you multiple years.
- If you are afraid to spend money on it, you shouldn't be "investing" time/money/energy into it in the first place.
Now don't get me wrong here, I am not advocating that you don't look around for great deals, or to price check items when you go to purchase them.
What I am advocating for is for you to invest in yourself and your life. Don't CHEAP OUT ON IT. Because if you cheap out on it, it will cost you more in the long term!!!
Where is an area of your life that you have been cheap with? What has this caused?
Now, what would that area look like if you decided to invest more into it?
And remember it doesn't have to be $$$, it can be time and energy.
Can you invest in a coach?
Should you invest in a new product that will make your daily life more efficient?
Could you potentially spend 30 minutes less per day on "work" and instead spend that time reading/writing/meditating for yourself?
Where are you being cheap?
Reflect, analyze, plan, and take action on how you can improve your life.
And if you are considering building a website, don't do what I did! LOL.
p.s. today I am grateful for the lessons I have learned while building brands and businesses. The knowledge I learn in those areas parlays into so many areas of my day to day life.