You are not shy.
Dec 01, 2021 7:07 pm
You acted shy.
Replace "shy" with any other adjective you would like.
What adjective are you telling yourself that "you are.." but the reality is that you just conditioned yourself in that moment to be that way?
And a lot of your conditioning stems from the emotions you feel in any given moment.
In fact, there is said to be about 27 emotions we experience as humans.
- Admiration
- Adoration
- Aesthetic appreciation
- Amusement
- Anxiety
- Awe
- Awkwardness
- Boredom
- Calmness
- Confusion
- Craving
- Disgust
- Empathetic pain
- Entrancement
- Envy
- Excitement
- Fear
- Horror
- Interest
- Joy
- Nostalgia
- Romance
- Sadness
- Satisfaction
- Sexual desire
- Sympathy
- Triumph
And from my understanding of life, the key to having a better overall experience throughout your lifetime, is to recognize in each moment what emotion you are experiencing.
How often are you experiencing joy vs. fear?
How often are you excited vs. bored?
How often are you envious vs. satisfied?
How often are you anxious vs. calm?
Being able to decipher your emotions in the moment
- Allows you to understand yourself better, and why you do what you do.
- More importantly, if you can understand your emotions, you then can control your actions in the appropriate manner... rather than letting your emotions take over and lead you to uncontrollable action.
Let's go back to the first sentence at the beginning of this message. The reason I chose "shy" is because too many people, maybe even you, don't step into your greatness out of fear of what others think. You play small. You shy away from discomfort. And to me, that is a modern tragedy.
How many ideas have you never get executed on?
How many projects have you never started?
How many "things" have you not done?
All because of your human emotion (fear) leading you to showing up as less than who you truly are.
Yet, if you are able to understand where that "fear" initially stemmed from in your life... you can break the chain!!! And if you break the chain of fear, what actions will you take instead of shying away?
Will you now be interested, excited, and joyful to bring your ideas to life?
Will you now be satisfied with who you currently are, yet continue to crave for more from yourself?
Who would you be if society didn't tell you who you need to be?
Read this message, soak it in, and take action towards showing me and the rest of the world who you MUST be for yourself.
Life is too fucking short to shy away from becoming that person you know you could become.
p.s. today I am grateful for all the emotions we get to experience as a human. They make life colorful, and for that I am extremely appreciative.