Your environment is everything.
Apr 13, 2022 12:35 pm
I sit here on my couch, legs crossed, a pillow between my legs, and my laptop on top of the pillow.
To the right of me is the book Become What You Are - [Alan Watts] opened to a random page (I struggle to read books front to back, a lot of times I open to a random page and just go).
In front of me to the left is a small succulent (my favorite type of plant), a candle, some coasters, and my morning drink. (Focusaid)
In front of me is a large window where the morning light comes in, and underneath that, a bookshelf crammed with more books than I should be placing in it.
In the background, is a random acoustic covers playlist that is humming around me with my Sonos surround sound.
Why did I tell you all the above?
- I had no idea what I was going to write today lol. So I just started writing what I saw.
- A few sentences in, I had found my subject line.
- Within a few paragraphs I knew today's topic.
No matter how wealthy I become.
No matter where Erin and our family end up living over the next decades of our lives....
My morning environment will stay relatively the same.
Because this setting cultivates the energy that I use to WIN everyday that I am blessed to be alive.
If you asked me now, and in the future, if I have watched the latest TV show / movie, or saw the latest sports game, or even know what is going on in the news... I will still respond with a simple no. I don't do that.
Not that there is anything inherently wrong with any of those things.
The reality is I have deemed them of low importance to the value I hope to get out of life.
To me, the simplicity of an environment that energizes my mind, body, and soul is of utmost importance.
So every morning my environment looks exactly like the one I described above.
The books seem to look at me like a puppy that wants to be played with. Each one hoping that I will choose it that day to be my muse.
The music vibrating through my body to strike a chord within my soul and reminding me that my body is much more than just a piece of flesh.
The light from the earth beaming through my window to remind me of how I play a small part in a world that has been here long before me, and will be here long after.
Everything around me culminating into an abundance of energy that I utilize to make sure that I take advantage of the day ahead of me.
Does your environment give you abundant energy?
If not, CHANGE IT!
You have one life.
You better life it the way you want.
p.s. today I am grateful for the little things in life. The small moments of laughter. The minute long hugs that seem to stop time. The tears of joy, and the tears of sadness. The human experience is such a trip. And I am glad I have actively chosen to make the trip worth while.