seek environments that make you want to QUIT.
Jul 14, 2022 1:29 pm
The last couple days I wanted to quit.
And I am the type of person that never wants to do that lol.
I literally have the words NEVER GIVE UP, in bold, tattooed on my rib cage.
So why did I want to quit?
The reality, I purposely signed myself up to be in an environment that forces me to rise above the feelings of "quitting."
What do I mean by this?
One of my good friends Eric, is an absolute legend when it comes to strength and endurance training/activity.
And one of my major goals at this point in my life is to progress in both areas.
So what did I do?
I signed up to follow his lifestyle for a few days and get my ass kicked by a level of intensity that I am not used to.
The crazy thing is...
He is able to do it daily!!!
It is routine for him.
Aka his daily routine makes me want to quit.
Throw in the towel.
Say "I am going to skip today."
What I have found, is that most people listen and abide by the rules of there internal voice.
And even more people never challenge themselves enough to even hear that voice in their head in the first place.
Me, I have become accustomed to enjoying this voice.
Often times, seeking environments and people that raise the volume of that voice in my head.
Because I know at the other end of telling that voice to "fuck off..." is the personal growth that I am seeking.
And now I am challenging YOU to seek out environments and people that will raise the volume of that voice in your own head.
List them out.
Take action on it.
Earn the rewards of the challenge.
p.s. today I am grateful for the people in my life that challenge me to grow EVERY SINGLE DAY. I am a result of your willingness to spend your free time helping me become a better me, and I never take that for granted.