Give yourself the greenlight!!!
Dec 12, 2020 8:16 pm
"Stop half assing it."
This is the advice Matthew McConaughey received from his father when he told him he was quitting his path to become a lawyer, and instead going to film school.
I just finished listening to his new book "Greenlights" on the app Audible. Listening to books is something I find therapeutic when I am doing random chores, or going for longer than usual drives. And this one did not disappoint.
It made me think about my own life in soooooo many ways. Especially the areas that I am "half assing" life in.
Some of the things I wrote down...
Ways I am half assing it,
- Not being strict enough with my time...aka saying yes to things I shouldn't. I am half assing my self discipline so I my ego can be "liked" rather than saying no and spending my time doing the things I LOVE. This is something I have always struggled with, and speaking to other entrepreneurs, they struggle with it too.
- My personal rest and recovery. In the book, Matthew takes a lot of trips alone, and escapes to recover and find who he truly is. I definitely need more ME time and will invest into solo walks, hikes, bikes, maybe even a solo road trip in the coming future.
- My business. I have no problem working extremely hard, that has never been the issue. Yet, I have made half ass attempts in the past to become more focused on what we are actually working on, and working towards. I have already shifted a lot of my energy into being a lot more focused and dialed in. I will continue to work on this habit as time goes on.
I highly recommend you do this exercise. (I'd love to chat about what ways you are working to improve on. Maybe we are similar!)
It gave me a different approach to thinking. If you are like me, at the end of every year, you ask yourself "hmmm what more can I do in the next year?!?!"
Rather, what I am stepping into now is, "what can I get rid of in 2021 that will allow me to focus and stop half assing it in the ways I actually want to be great in."
And while I have written these down, I will now also be a lot more patient with myself because I know I will not be perfect. But the first part of being the solution to any problem, is acknowledging I had one in the first place. So I think I am on the right path. :)
If reading books is more your thing, add Greenlights to your bookshelf and start to the path to going after your dreams!
Enjoy giving yourself permission to go this weekend!
p.s. I am grateful for apps like audible. The abundance of things we are able to learn and experience today brings a lot of joy to my life. I am very appreciative of that.