Take control of your health.

Jan 26, 2021 11:22 pm

I am really late to this email today. I have a good excuse though :) I didn't sleep last night and was under anesthesia at 6am this morning. I am finally starting to not feel delirious.

Long story short, I had a colonoscopy this morning because in my early 20's when I had my first one...they said get another one when you turn 30.

And I am proud of myself for getting it done so quickly.

Fortunately, the results came back the way I wanted them to, and I can continue on my path to healing myself of all the issues I accrued over the first 2.5 decades of my life.

Fighting for my health is literally a life or death objective for me. Every day I am working to change my genetic code by surrounding myself in positive, uplifting, and energizing environments.

To hear more about this, watch this short video where I explain what I am up to.

I encourage you to break down your fears, take ownership over your health, and be responsible for taking things into your own hands.

It won't be easy. It was actually really fucking hard for me. But the past 5 years have changed the course of my future and I am so happy I started the journey in the first place. Maybe today is your day to start yours.

I am an open book, so if you need someone to talk to about your own issues, feel free to respond.



p.s. today I am grateful to be alive.
