What would make today a great day?
Mar 10, 2021 8:31 pm
I live by the 4/3 rule that I made up. Let me explain what that is.
You are half way through the week.
Just about 2.5 months into the year.
Has it been good? Has it been bad? Has it been meh?
You could sit here all day and try to decide.
Or you could just focus on the only thing you can control, make today a great day!
The 4/3 rule is shooting to make sure that every week you enter, you WIN at least 4 of those days.
Because if you do this, you will exponentially have more better days, than bad days, over the course of your entire lifetime.
What do I mean by this?
Simple math.
Win this week, it is 4 great days, 3 whatever.
Win next week, it is 8 great days, 6 whatever.
The following week, 12 great days, 9 whatever.
Do you see how after each week the ratio of great days to whatever days keeps increasing?
Life is going to throw you lemons at times.
It will beat the hell out of you at times.
But the only thing you can control, is how you respond to the NOW. What would make it great RIGHT NOW.
Go do that!
And earn your increased greatness ratio. :)
I have been living by this rule for about 5 years now, and I will continue to live by it for my lifetime. I encourage you to think about doing the same!
p.s. today I am grateful that I have had more great days in my life than terrible ones. I remind myself of this often.