Don't forget how far you've come.

Oct 31, 2022 2:20 pm

Saturday was the Squatch Frontier Fitness Community workout (we have a FREE community workout the last Saturday of every month. Come join us next month)!

After the workout everyone does ice baths and jumps in our OASYSS mobile sauna.


While sweat, connection, and fun is guaranteed...

There is something else I have noticed has become a guarantee if you choose to show up...

Great conversations!!!

And one of the conversations that captured my interest the most, it revolved around the limiting beliefs many of us seem to have.

Why do we struggle to believe we are capable? Worthy? Able of achieving great things?

Why do we compare ourselves to other people and believe that we are lesser than them?

Obviously I don't know the exact answer for everyone.

I can only think from my particular life lens, and then go on assuming what that lens is like for others.

Here is the conclusion I have come to based on my own interpretation...

Humans are constantly thinking ahead.

Our hardware is built to do this based on how earth was hundreds/thousands of years ago.

Constantly seeking food, shelter, and a mate.


Aka future thinking all the time.

Today, we have the same hardware, yet the world is much different.

Food is everywhere.

Shelter is everywhere.

And a mate is a swipe away.

Yet, our hardware and conditioning to be anxious about the future is still there.

This makes us feel like we are always so far away from where we are trying to go.

So much so, we forget how far we have already come.

When we were discussing this topic in the sauna, my point about the topic was the fact that EVERYONE IN THE SAUNA, male or female, no matter their age, who they are, what they do...

We all came from the same place.

Our own mother's womb.

We all then came out into the world to learn and adapt to everything that was around us.

And somehow, we all ended up in the OASYSS on that particular day.

Here is the thing, if I ask you to think back and write down EVERYTHING that you have ever learned/achieved...

It would fill hundreds, if not thousands of pages.

So why don't you look at your life that way then when you are working towards achieving something new?

Why do you limit yourself to what you can do?

When clearly you have achieved so much in your life already.

Some food for thought as you kick start another week.

You a re more capable than you give yourself credit for!



p.s. I am grateful for all the people in the community here who provide the platform to partake in epic conversations.
