One moment you are king, the next you are nothing.
Sep 19, 2022 2:13 pm
The brain is an amazing thing.
One moment you can feel like you are at the top of the world...
And within an instant...
It can feel like it all fell apart.
For now, I want to send gratitude for this past weekend being one I will never forget.
Major kudos to Jimmy DeCicco and Devon Levesque for putting together an event that had people from all over come together to learn, connect, collaborate, and most importantly... have FUN.
It was surreal to be in an environment that I know was a dream turned into reality.
And the amount of great energy that was there is something I am still working on processing.
Which comes back to how I started this email.
I am currently laid up on the couch.
Because I fucked my knee up on Saturday when I was feeling on top of the world... (top of the ranch to be exact lol).
Which followed with an immediate feeling of despair and fear.
Feelings in which I haven't felt in awhile.
What is weird is that this time around in life, I am almost to the point of appreciating these feelings.
Yes sitting on the couch sucks.
Adjusting my daily routines that I love is frustrating.
And not knowing exactly when I can get back after it is a test of patience.
What can I receive from this moment of pause?
How can I take this time to reflect and learn more about myself?
Why did this happen now?
Where can I now place my time and energy where it is needed?
Some of the questions I am currently asking myself.
You don't need an injury to ask yourself the same questions though!
Take a moment to press pause and realize where you are at in life.
Is it where you want to be?
Is it who you want to be there with?
Is it how you want to live every day?
If not, adapt and adjust accordingly.
Life is way too short not to go after your dreams.
And I will tell you straight up that I would much rather chase my dreams and be laid up on a couch because of it...
Compared to the alternative of always sitting around wondering "what if?"
Go get after this week!
p.s. I am grateful for all the amazing people I was able to meet and spend time with the last few days. My cup is overflowing with positive energy.