What is the biggest question on your mind?
Dec 15, 2020 10:10 pm
"Life is not about having the right answers, it's about having the right questions." -me
I made this statement up last night as Erin and I were chatting about everything going on in our lives right now. With her recent health results, and my daily battle to continue to find solutions for my own issues, it seems life is narrowing down our paths and our passions. While it is scary, in many ways it is invigorating because we have a purpose that can not only help ourselves, we can have a positive impact on others as well. And that is exciting!
The biggest question on my mind is if I only had 10 years to live, would I be doing what I am doing right now?
Answer: Kind of.
The second biggest question on my mind is how do I switch that answer to me shouting from the rooftops a confident "HELL YES!!!!"
I don't have the answers to these just yet. But I will keep asking myself the same question every single day until I find myself living out the answers.
I feel I have come to a point in my life where I am finally asking myself the right questions. Caring about the things that truly matter. And surrounding myself with people who will guide me on the journey to finding my truth.
My hope is to inspire you to find questions to ask yourself. Stop focusing on the pressure to have the right answers for your friends, your family, your job....instead shift your focus to asking yourself the questions that matter most to you. Then go live your life finding answers to your own questions.
So, what is the biggest question on your mind?!?!
Happy Tuesday!
p.s. today I am grateful for my Tuesday run group. 6 other people showed up in the cold this morning. All of us openly knowing it is something that in the moment, it isn't necessarily "fun." But we all became better individuals TOGETHER because we showed up. For that, I am thankful.