Take Your Leap of Faith.

Jan 05, 2022 1:39 pm

What will be your leap of faith this year?

Think back to a time in your life where things seemed really hard and stressful. For instance, finals during college. Or the first project you had at your job. Or moving to a new city where you didn’t know anyone, and only had a car and some clothes to your name.

Now come back to the present. Isn’t it funny how when you look back, you realize all those “stressful” moments were really just blips on the radar for your story?

Today those problems seem trivial. Why is that?

Well that’s because, as humans, we innately challenge ourselves to always keep taking a step forward. Some people do more than others, yet we all go through life amassing grander challenges and creating more “problems” for ourselves.

With it being 5 days into the New Year, I am not going to ask you for your resolution. Instead, I ask you to realize that whatever you are going through, good or bad, remind yourself that it will fade into oblivion. And you will move on.

So why not take the leap towards the thing that scares you most?!?

Why not step into 2022 as a completely stronger version of yourself?

The realization that you are such a tiny spec in the universe will help you realize that no matter how challenging it may get, you were physically, mentally, and spiritually built to adapt to anything thrown your way!

In essence, by being human, YOU ARE A MIRACLE!!!

You are the faith itself.

What MIRACLE story will you now be writing? BELIEVE IT, SPEAK IT, SHOW IT to the world.

The world, and myself included, we are ready to watch you rise above it all and THRIVE ON LIFE.



p.s. today I am grateful for feeling sore. I have been working hard in the gym to kick-off the year and it is nice to feel my body adapting to the new stressors I have been placing on it.
