Bird by bird.
Dec 02, 2021 9:40 pm
Brick by brick.
My laptop died and I left my charger somewhere yesterday... so this message is coming in a bit later in the day than usual.
I was in a meeting the other day and randomly looked across the room and read off one of the book titles sitting on Noah's bookshelf.
It read "Bird by Bird" by Anne Lamott.
So naturally I asked him what the book was about.
Long story short, it is a story about how to become a better writer, and earn a better life through the phrase bird by bird...or "brick by brick."
I have said this dozens of times before, and probably will say this thousands of more times over my lifetime, focus on having BETTER DAYS and you will earn a better life.
And better days are built off of you focusing on laying one brick at a time.
My brick today is writing this short message even though I "don't have the time." (Currently writing and sending this within 10 minutes because I have elsewhere to be).
So I push myself to do a short time frame of focused writing and lay the brick down. This way I can put another brick down on top of it tomorrow.
What is your brick though?
What must you focus on today, to move your needle forward, and ultimately build your path towards a great day and a great life?!?
p.s. today I am grateful for those who signed up for this newsletter recently. Also, I am grateful for those who posted the ThriveOnLife Podcast as one of their top listens. Our entire team behind the scenes thanks you!