5 lessons from 5 years of marriage.
Jun 30, 2023 2:14 pm
Today is my 5th wedding anniversary.
Here is Erin and I at a school trip in 2002, our wedding day in 2018, and this year with our new best friend.
My life is a dream.
For real.
This dream has not come without a ton of work though.
And that is exactly what needs to happen in marriage to build a strong bond.
Two individuals who come together in agreement to WORK on themselves, work with each other, and work towards a great present moment, and amazing future together.
So lesson 1 is directly that.
Work on your marriage EVERY DAY and it will reap rewards that make life a dream come true.
#2 - Presence > Presents.
Time spent with each other will allows outweigh the material things.
The worst parts of our marriage always have happened when one of us have neglected being conscious of spending enough time with one another.
#3 - We > Me.
Decisions MUST be made as a team.
If one person makes decisions without the thoughts and feelings of their partner, this can breed resentment.
So be sure to involve your significant other in the thoughts, decisions, and actions you are planning to take.
^^^as a very independent male, this one was extremely tough for me to acknowledge. Yet, over the years, the more I continue to communicate fluidly with Erin, the better our marriage has become.
#4 - The spark fades unless you keep banging the rocks together.
LOL ^^ take this however you want it 🤣
But the way I meant for it to be understood is that you must dedicate time to dating one another.
Go on walks.
Date nights.
Trips and travel.
These ^^^ must be a staple in your calendar, not a once in awhile occasion!
Your significant other is not a holiday in which you celebrate infrequently. They are the person you should be investing time every week into celebrating!!!
#5 - On some days you are the foundation and support, others you are the overbearing weight.
Aka sometimes you must be the person to help your partner get through their own mud, while other days they are the one pulling you out.
Erin and I do a really great job at this one.
I believe it is because we have known each other for so long, that we can immediately feel when the other person is "off."
Of course there are many more lessons that I have learned over the years.
Some that should probably even be above the 5 I listed above.
On days like today though, I like to set a timer and just let my writing flow out of me.
And that is exactly what I did.
Regardless, I know that if you instill some of these principles into your own relationships (romantic or not), your life will certainly improve.
Now it is time for me to get back to celebrating my growing family.
Have an amazing 4th of July weekend!
p.s. today I am grateful for my life. Waking up today is a blessing, and I am excited to continue to be grateful and work hard every day that I am blessed to be here.