Pain is your teacher.

Jun 11, 2021 5:18 pm


Right now, I am sitting on a bed in a Airbnb in the Poconos. (Mountains in Pennsylvania).

I don't know the wifi, so I am using my phone's hotspot to send this.

Why am I telling you this?

To maybe inspire you to give yourself one less excuse.

I am currently at a bachelor party, and have every excuse not to get up and get an email out today.

But that would be letting myself down, and I don't like doing that.

While I don't have time to fully write this morning (I am about to go on my run), I can get SOMETHING out. It does not have to be perfect. NEITHER DO YOU!!!

10 minutes of anything is better than not doing it.

Here is an IG caption I wrote yesterday while on the plane. If you already read it from my Instagram, THANK YOU. Your support means a lot!

I am hoping you take something from this.

I’ve been thinking about “destiny” a lot lately.

Idk if it’s the delirium from all the sweat I’ve been pouring in the Texas heat, or if the universe is trying to tell me something. I like to believe in the latter.

The moment you are born, you are thrust into a world that is truly magical.

Heck the process of even getting into this world in the first place…MAGIC.

As kids, you are told fables, shown movies, and subliminally made to believe in the magic of your destiny.

Yet, as quickly as you are told this, it seems that it gets ripped away from you before you could ever even try to live up to it.

A cold day brings you pain, a tragedy brings you sorrow, and the wounds you endure…eventually turn to scars.

And sadly, these scars tend to callus your belief in the magic that once flourished throughout your world.

They cause you to stay in your comfort, avoid more pain, and ultimately live in the darkness of what your life could have been.

Here is the interesting thing though…

The moment you step towards the pain. The minute that you decide you are willing to endure more… you start to see magic again.

Because at the depths of that pain, at the core of your soul, your destiny is waiting for you to come unlock it.

And the key to the lock… remains in your willingness to confront the pain from your past, and use it as fuel to endure the pain of the future that will undoubtedly come.

At the end of the day, our destiny depends on us becoming stronger by walking towards the pain…rather than living a life of avoidance.

Because if you choose to avoid the pain, you in turn, are also choosing to avoid the MAGIC. 🪄

And what’s life without a little magic in it 🔥

Have an amazing Friday! Open yourself up to the enduring the pain you know you must go through to reach your destiny!



p.s. today I am grateful for the friends I am with right now. Some of them I haven't seen in 5 + years, and it is good to catchup and just laugh about life up until this point.
