get bitter or GET BETTER.

Feb 15, 2022 2:04 pm

There are two types of people in this world.

Those who get bitter.

And those who get better.

When things get tough, when things go wrong, when everything seems out of your control or like it is not your fault... how do you respond?

Do you take complete ownership and fault for any wrongdoing even if it wasn't / isn't your "fault?"

I used to be such an argumentative, angry little fellow.

I would point fingers at all the wrong around me.

What did it get me?


It got me absolutely nothing.

How many people do you think go through their entire lives refusing to take complete ownership over their life?

It is everywhere around you.

Like my dad for instance.

He refuses to take ownership over what he eats and consumes, yet then complains about his ailments and points the finger elsewhere. Textbook deflection from him that I know you can probably relate to with your own family members.

Sadly, I believe the number of people who fall victim to this is higher than you or I can imagine... even worse... it is growing.

You don't have to look any further than our sue happy, divorce laden culture, to see we are headed down a relentless path of blaming the world for our issues.

I hate it.

Some days I wish I could go back in time, when life was so harsh, you didn't have the time to complain about the dumb shit people do today.

2022 the year where a celebrity (Kanye) trends more than the Super Bowl for posting nonsense on social media lol. What world do we live in for fucks sake.

Okay not going to rant in that direction.

I came here to ask you to join TEAM BETTER > bitter.

I want you to acknowledge the areas in your life where you have held resentment or bitterness.

Now this won't be easy, but I want to ask you to let those feelings go.

Instead, ask yourself how YOU contributed to that resentment or bitterness, and what YOU can do to improve yourself so it doesn't happen again in the future?

Ponder this.

And start taking steps in the direction of completely owning your life.

If you do... the bitterness fades away automatically.

Crush your Tuesday!



p.s. today I am grateful for all the people currently around me who have let me be vulnerable and let go of all the shit I used to carry around. There is so much freedom in letting go of what is not in your control, and only focusing on yourself.
