Fear doesn't stop DEATH. It stops LIFE!

Nov 11, 2021 7:04 pm


It's Veteran's Day, and while I have no affiliation with the military, I am one to believe that people that have gone through a system like that, they probably have had to overcome a decent amount of fears along the way.

Because of this, they may have a decent understanding how precious life can be.

Or maybe not.

Regardless, today I tip my cap to those who have overcome their fears, and sacrificed their lives, so that I have the freedom to sit here and type to you.




We live in age where a true perspective of what is important in life... is dwindling.

Mass amounts of privilege have led to this.

You fight with your fingers, not your fists.

You don't have to leave your house to eat, it gets delivered to your doorstep.

You choose Netflix, over writing/reading books/working with your hands/hobbies.

You don't think about death enough...and this causes you to be in your own personal "comfort" jail.

Which leads to not LIVING the life that is possible for you.

Why can I talk about this?

Because I have realized how it has negatively impacted me.

The amount of time I have wasted on dumb shit that won't help my life, or the lives around me, all because my ego gets the best of me.

But then I reflect.

I think about my life, and how within each moment, I asked myself is this "worth my life."

Meaning, is every action I take, "worth my life."

When you ask yourself this, I am damn sure you will probably make different decisions.

The online/offline arguments aren't worth it.

The boss/job that causes you stress, not worth it.

The long commute where you are in traffic half the time, not worth it.

The "feeling" comfortable for short term, but hindering your long term... NOT WORTH IT.

So many things are not worth your life.

Yet you do them everyday.




p.s. today I am grateful that I have come to the realization that being afraid of anything, it will not stop my ultimate demise. It will only hinder the time I have here to enjoy my LIFE.
