Did you wake up?!?

Jun 06, 2021 7:29 pm

If you are reading this, you got to see another day. Be grateful.

It's Sunday, so I will keep this short and sweet. I want to help set you up for success this upcoming week. To do that, you must set an intention!!!

What can you do this upcoming week that

Scares you (makes you nervous/anxious/etc) ... something you are 50% sure you will fail at, but 50% sure you can do...

Yet also,

whatever this intention is, if you do achieve/conquer it, it will push the needle forward on your life.


  1. Ask for a raise at your job.
  2. Signup for a race/fitness event that will force you to be uncomfortable.
  3. Tell that one friend you can't be their friend anymore because they are holding you back.
  4. Set the date for you to move to a new city.

Sadly, our society teaches us to shoot for average. We are scared to fail so we don't even try.

What I want you to do moving forward, is align yourself to goals and achievements that seem unattainable. Then do whatever it takes to attain them.

Even if you "fail," whatever that means.... you still beat the "you" who never even tried in the first place.




p.s. today I am grateful for you. If no one has told you that lately, I wanted to be the person to do so.
