Get More Sleep
Dec 17, 2020 8:15 pm
Question of the day: I wonder if a majority of the world's problems are because a majority of the world is sleep deprived & restless?
I wrote this question in my journal after studying my past week's sleep results from my Oura Ring. If I look at the results of my sleep the previous night before, they directly correlate to my mood the very next day.
Well no shit CJ!!! DUH!!! We already knew this.
Indeed, you and I both probably knew this before I said it. However, even though you know it impacts your overall well being, are you doing anything about it?!?
For about 2.5 decades I paid a majority of my attention to the output I put into this world. From school, to sports, to partying, to my has always been HOW MUCH CAN I DO?!?! How much energy can I release out into the world?!?
Until I got into my mid-twenties and realized this mentality was killing me. And not in the figurative sense either. I legitimately started losing a bunch of weight and started to become nervous about my long-term health. Rightly so. My aunt died at 40 of colon cancer and I was / still am having digestive issues that if not watched closely, do not have a happy ending attached to them.
What was my reality then though?
I was overworked in a job I hated.
I thought I was eating "healthy" .... but after doing my own research & testing I realized how many nutrients I was not receiving.
And I worked out too long, too hard, and had no concept of relaxation.
My world was always MORE = MORE. More hours put out into the world would equal more fun, more success, more happiness.
Yet, I never quite ended up with "more."
As my good friend Ranjit would say though "LESS = MORE."
My focus should not have been how much energy can I spend. Rather, it should have been about how much QUALITY energy can I put out into the world.
Because if I exhaust myself doing all the things, but then I am a shitty human being behind closed doors. Irritable, closed off, depressed, etc....what was the purpose of that energy expenditure if that is the result?
The Oura Ring has been an eye opener because I can correlate my deep sleep and REM to the type of person I am going to be that day. It sounds crazy, but even after a week I can legitimately look at my stats and say "I am going to feel great today....or I am going to feel shitty today."
When I feel great, the world around me knows it.
When I feel shitty, the world doesn't necessarily know, but I do and my wife does...I become closed off and go full asshole mode if provoked.
Right now is one of those "when I see it, I will believe it" moments. I can clearly see the data. And I can clearly remember whether I showed up as the real more or the "asshole mode" me during the different days that the data was collected.
I tell all of you this because maybe you too have struggled with sleep over the years. Maybe like me, you have tried everything under the sun to "fix it." But maybe also like me, all you need is a device that shows you the real truth behind your Zzzzzz's.
For me, this data has honestly lifted a weight off of my shoulders. I no longer have to have a constant battle in my head of whether I am being a baby or not and tell myself "CJ you can just tough it out today. C'mon bro just do it."
When now I can clearly see I need rest, and therefore I tell myself it is time to rest. And when I feel great, it is time to unleash all the energy I love to give.
Or maybe I am just insane, and none of this applies to you lol.
Regardless, I wish nothing but the best sleep for you because the world needs MORE QUALITY ENERGY out there. And that starts with quality Zzz's.
Have a wonderful Thrive Thursday!!!
p.s. I have mentioned this before, but wow am I grateful for the technology we have access to right now. I am learning so much about my own personal health and how I can adjust little things to help me feel A LOT better.