Austin Update

Feb 17, 2021 8:54 pm

I haven't written in awhile because Austin, and the entire state of Texas is under a state of emergency right now.

My home has been without power since Sunday night going into Monday, and there are no updates of when it will be back

Fortunately, my office kept power and heat so I have been staying there.

I will not go any further into thoughts and feelings at the moment.

I just want to leave you with something...

Be grateful for the little things that we think are commonplace across the world. Meaning, if you have running water, electricity, food/water storage...remember how fortunate you are to have that. There are millions of people across the world who do not have that simple luxury.

The little things really are the big things!!!

Also, here is a photo I never EVER thought I would capture. Austin Texas snowed in.

Hope you are well!!! I look forward to writing more within the next week.

If you are in Austin and are reading this, and you don't have heat/water, please reach out to me if you need somewhere to come and hang. THRIVE HQ is operating as of now.




p.s. I love the lessons that the universe bestows on us. Weather is a powerful reminder that no matter how hard we try as humans, WE ARE NOT IN CONTROL.
