STOP just surviving, START THRIVING!
Nov 14, 2020 10:53 pm
If you read yesterday's email, you know that I straight up QUIT my old life.
Quitting gets a bad rap, but I have quit more jobs, more projects, more lifestyles in my teens / 20's than most people do in their entire lifetimes.
I've had Engineering jobs, Project Management Jobs, Sales Jobs, and before that, everything from folding clothes at Hollister, to making your Panera Bread Sandwich, to unloading 30,000lbs during 14hr days on a 18-wheeler truck.
And within this timeframe, I lived in 5 different cities in a 3 year span.
I have started and quit so many things.
But quitting what is NOT FOR YOU, means you get closer and closer to WHAT IS FOR YOU.
I am a believer that what separates successful people, is not the ability to stick through things, that is the egotistical thing to do. Rather, I believe that we should strive to know ourselves so well, that we know exactly what is for us and what is not. It does the world no good to show up to things and HALF ASS THEM because you aren't invested in them.
And the only way to find out what is for us, is to try as many things as possible and find out what is NOT for us.
What was not for me...
Showing up to the same job every single day. Working with uninspired people. Making money that had no positive impact attached to it.
So one by one I started stripping away what was not for me...and what was left over what WAS FOR ME.
Great people.
Projects I am passionate about.
And getting paid to utilize my skills in areas that I love.
The beautiful part is, YOU CAN DO THE SAME!!!
It will take time. It will take work. But you can do it!!!
Yesterday was a direct example of what I am talking about.
I kicked the day off with a podcast at Cryo Body Works with my friend Caulen Lauria. We chatted aabout all things health, and bio/life-hacking. He is just kicking off this show so I will plug it once he releases it. :)
After the first podcast, I then stopped at Whole Foods to pick up some groceries to make my lunch. Once I grabbed the food, I headed back to THRIVE HQ to meet up with my friend Cory Camp who is in town from Virginia.
We recorded an episode for his podcast The Athletic Mindset. If you are an athlete, or ex-athlete, or are just interested in mindset conversations, go check out his show!!
After the second podcast, my friend Allie Holcombe stopped by to chat about some of the upcoming projects we may potentially collaborate on. One of my superpowers is connecting people, so it was awesome to connect her with Cory, as well as Jake Allen who was working on some of our media projects at the time.
To finish the day, I headed to the MSW Lounge, to record my 3rd and final episode of the day with the co-founders Nurse Doza and Baldo on their "How Do You Health" podcast.
For this one, I was greeted with a vitamin drip IV and one of their amazing Slenderella drinks.
Right after the final podcast of the day, I drove over to True Food Kitchen to end the day with a #datenight with my wife Erin. I smashed a gluten-free Chicken Margherita pizza and a Chicken Avocado wrap. Happy Friday to me!!!
In between all this, what you don't see, is the emails, messages, content, documentation that takes place to move the THRIVE businesses forward. I consider all the other stuff the glue that keeps everything together. The glue is truly what matters, but the flash is still fun as hell, I will not lie about that.
I show all of this to you, because 4 years ago I was so far from all of this. I was lost, sick, and depressed. But I never lost hope!!! And it is my goal to show others that they should never lose hope either.
You can mold your life into what you want it to become. Yet, it starts with you BEING the person you wish to become... TODAY.
Go out there this weekend, AND BE THAT PERSON!
ps: today I am grateful for all the people in my life that make me feel alive. Your energy, your kindness, YOU... keep being you. I am grateful.